“This weekend has been the most amazing weekend. I’ve met some of the most fabulous women. I feel like I bonded on the very first day in several activities that we participated in together. Every woman at the event has added and brought so much talent and so much energy. They’re vivacious and they’re so supportive of each other. There’s so much love in this group. I learned from every single one of them. I feel like they are my sisters and they will forever be in my heart.
The founder is an amazing lady and she has such a strong background. I knew this was going to be an amazing event because of who she is. I knew the team that she put together to lead and guide us through this adventure was going to be top notch and they have proven to be so.
Today we did a breach and clear. For those of you who are going to be attending this event at some point in the future – and I know you will – will find out what that’s all about. But we learned so many skills over the last two days that helped us to do something that we had never ever dreamed that we were going to do.
Breaching and clearing – entering a building not knowing what’s on the other side of the door and trusting that the woman in front of you and the woman in back of you will lead you into a safe place and have your back. The things that we’ve learned today that we can take into our personal life at home, our business, our friendships, relationships, are something so powerful that we all will take with us.”